I am based in Osaka at the moment, but at lunchtime today I took a train out to nearby Kobe to try their famous speciality - beef.
Having found a suitable steakhouse, I sat down to peruse the menu. At the top of the page I found the set lunch - about £30 for 120g of what I am sure is very tasty steak, plus you get the soup of the day and a dessert thrown in there as well. Not bad. I continued to read through the menu however, which was helpfully arranged in order of quality (and price), and I had to ask myself - what do I do, when, at the very bottom of the menu, I am presented with the chance to purchase a specially selected 250g cut of Kobe beef sirloin?
Well, it turns out that I will pay £100 for the privilege of knowing that no beef, and possibly even no food at all, will ever taste anywhere near as good as that juicy, tender, exquisite steak that melted in my mouth, and left me walking around in a daze for an hour afterwards.
Look at that smug bastard. He knows exactly what he's about to do to me.